
You are entering Lastlands at the height of the Diluvian Age... Welcome to a world of tiny empires, intrigue and opportunity. Welcome to the Dungeonarium.

Acquisitive Minds is a tabletop fantasy roleplaying game about unscrupulous ruffians seeking glory and wealth in a world well past its prime – in the distant future, or perhaps some long forgotten past. What little dry land remains is divided into squabbling city-states, resources are scarce, and deep, dark places teem with monsters eager to overthrow the reign of the surface dwellers. Instead of heroes destined for guaranteed greatness, player characters are ordinary people trying to improve their lot in life with any means necessary. (If that makes them ”murder hoboes”, then so be it.)

Acquisitive Minds in pictures

Book covers, character sheet... and scuffling with some monsters using the game's test kit.

12 character trades. 11+ character species. 4+ schools of magic. Any combination is possible – or come up with something entirely new.

The rules are short and simple, designed to form an intuitive framework for improvisation and negotiation. Characters grow with experience, but not along any preset class career path; once a player has picked a trade – spy, artisan, trader, scholar, explorer, assassin or something else – they are free to develop their character in any way they wish. Likewise, traditional fantasy species and monsters have been left out. In their place, avians, Lemurian titans, gravedodgers and screwheads fight against twisted gits, bloated slobs, well devils, gigantic ice worms and evil sentient houses. Combat is quick and dangerous, and magic is brutal. Any semblance of play balance is purely accidental.

6 attributes. d20 save and hit rolls. Hit, experience and spell points. Roots firmly in the late seventies, but with all new rules and unprecedented weirdness.

Acquisitive Minds is a new take on oldschool roleplaying published by No Just Books. It was dreamed up and written down by Antti Hoo. and illustrated by Hilda Herkman, Anton Erwe & Antti Hoo.

Maximum imaginative freedom. Player-driven character development and worldbuilding. No game balance or verisimilitude. Beautiful madness.

Softcover (84 pages, A5 size, ISBN 978-952-65664-0-5) available now.
PDF version coming soon!

Yes, they exist!

First copies, hot off the press.

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